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Miracle Minute Protocol

What a minute can do?


Together from darkness to light

Together, we can help the world to change for the better. Together we can build a better future. We can bring love, peace, and light into that world. We can create a beautiful world by just bringing pure love healing light energy over the planet! We know that we can create miracles by doing something together with the same attention, and at the same time. A lot of people want a quick fix, or magic pill. I have that for you! A lot of people want to find happiness and joy on the earth! I have that, too! =)

Seriously, I have something very powerful to offer you. But first, Answer this question...

      If you believe by doing something very simple, easy, fast and powerful, that will result in what you want, will you do it? 

I am sure the answer is ‘yes’. Do you believe in miracles? If so, let’s create miracles!


           “You will understand the universe when you know about     

                                  energy, frequency and vibration.”
                                                                                  - Nikola Tesla


                                                    I will add "love and light."

                                                                                  - Fanny Magier


Everything has a vibration. We live through vibration, and frequency. Everything is energy and has an energy. We are energy. Energy is thoughts, money, words, emotions, cells, and visualization. 

Energy can be transformed at any time and rapidly through the quantum energy field and energy modality.


Here’s another question to ponder: Do you know the reason we are here on earth?

We are on earth to raise the frequency of the globe, by raising our own frequency.

If we are going to change the world, we must begin by changing ourselves.


When we are centered, connected to ourselves and others by doing the same thing and at the same time, with the same attention, we create miracles.

We are here to heal, to heal humanity, to heal our own soul, and by empowering ourselves, we heal the earth.

It can be done in ONE MINUTE!...Just one minute to change the world!

We are powerful because you are powerful. 

During that One minute, take 6 breaths (6 counts for exhaling & 4 counts for inhaling).  


To make that connection more powerful, make sure to use the Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique with no interruption. You do not need to hold your breath at anytime. 

New to that technique?  Ok, no worry. 


You may want to practice this technique in advance to get familiar with it before the actual protocol.

Start by exhaling through your mouth (count 6) by releasing any negative energy stuck in your body, and inhale through your nose (without raising your chest) for 4 counts in a continuous flowing motion.

  • Put your hands on your upper chest, there is a vortex called "Heaven Reaching In," take a belly breath (diaphragmatic breathing) while bringing your attention under your feet. 

  • Next breath, inhale through your nose and as you exhale through your mouth, send from your heart the healing energy of love and light to every cell of your body and especially to your brain, more specifically, your pineal gland. 
    We cannot give what we don't have, so sending love to ourselves is important before sending to others. This is a good time to check in on yourself
    . Rate from 0 - 10 how much do you love yourself.

  • Stay focused and be aware of any sensation and emotion you might feel.

  • Next breath, again inhale through your nose and as you exhale through your mouth, send the healing energy of love, light, and peace from your heart to the soil of your own country so it will regenerate.

  • Next breath, repeat again sending the healing energy of love, light and peace from your heart to the entire planet.

  • Next breath, send love, light, and peace from your heart to your surroundings, to your city, states and country. 

  • Next breath, do it again from your heart, send love, light and peace for the population all over the world.

  • As you breathe, feel the energy of fear dissipating as the energy of love, light, and peace grows. 



Notice how much more peaceful, centered and serene you are! It took only ONE minute! You can do this breathing exercise as often as you want.

You can do it every 3 hours, only one minute! At Noon, 3, 6, 9, and midnight, Pacific time, during any day or night cycle you are awake. 


By reconnecting with your body, you will regain your peace of mind and your strength, spending one minute at a time. 
When we are healed it's when we accept ourselves and begin a true love affair with who we are. 


If you are too harsh with yourself, this exercise will help you, by teaching you how to reconnect with your heart and soul. 

Together, let’s make that very powerful connection with everyone in the world! 

If you have friends or family in other countries, invite them to join you. Connection is key to change! As we do this together, the darkness will lift and give rise to the Light. That’s what we all need, that’s what Mother Earth needs!


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© 2017 by fanny magier energy healer

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